Jacques Guyonnet Collection in Geneva

Archival holdings transferred from the Paul Sacher Foundation to the Archives de la Ville de Genève


In 2021 the documents of the Swiss composer Jacques Guyonnet (1933–2018), which had been preserved at the Paul Sacher Foundation since 2008, were merged with the parts of the composer’s estate still remaining in Geneva and with the extensive archive of the Studio de musique contemporaine.

The Jacques Guyonnet Collection at the Paul Sacher Foundation was thus dissolved. Jacques Guyonnet's legacy is now housed in the Archives de la Ville de Genève and is open to the public.

Archives de la Ville de Genève
Palais Anna et Jean-Gabriel Eynard
4, rue de la Croix-Rouge
1204 Genève

mail: archives@ville-ge.notexisting@nodomain.comch
phone:  +41 22 418 2990
web: archives.geneve.ch