
The publications of the Paul Sacher Foundation are available through the indicated publishing houses. Please direct your orders to the publishers, as given in the book details.

Main publisher: Schott Music, Mainz
Other publishers:

Boosey & Hawkes, London
Boydell & Brewer / Boydell Press, Woodbridge, Suffolk
Musikverlag Hans Sikorski, Hamburg
Schwabe AG, Basel
Universal Edition, Wien

In preparation

Correspondence Arnold Schoenberg – Heinrich Jalowetz
ed. Simon Obert
(German edition)

Recently published

November 2023
Ligeti Labyrinth: A Guided Tour through the Œuvre of György Ligeti
Anna Dalos, Márton Kerékfy, Heidy Zimmermann

Dezember 2022
Utopia, Innovation, Tradition: Bruno Maderna's Cosmos
ed. Angela Ida De Benedictis